Heavy Rainfall In US’ West Coast Region
The West Coast of the United States continues to experience widespread heavy down pour. This will continue for the upcoming days. The hardest hit regions were in Northern California and southern Oregon. Rainfall in these areas is predicted to be as much as 10 inches.
The winds and rain of the storm that hit US west coast was so strong that trees were uprooted and sent power lines down on the streets. Hundreds of flights were delayed. People were stranded in airports, bus terminal stations and in the subways. There were also flash floods in the affected area. Busy metropolises were submerged underwater. The leaders in the flooded region ensured that blocked drains were cleaned up so water would not stagnate in the heavily populated cities.
Rainfall beneficial to California
Before the heavy rains poured the state of California and some region in the west coast experienced drought. Rain is beneficial for these areas. However, experts believe that the rain experienced in this part of the country will have little to no effect to bring back what was once lush and green environment.
The water officials in the region added that it would take at least 150 percent of the average rainfall in California to experience recovery from the dry season. They further commented that snow is more important to people in the area than rain water. Huge packs of snow could easily supply water to a third of residents, businesses and agriculture in California.
Climate Change
What has happened in California is just a part of a series of effects of the so called climate change. Not long before, scientists have already predicted that the temperature on Earth will rise because of the harmful greenhouse gases produced by activities of mankind.
The effect of climate change will be felt across the globe with its effect varying from one region to another.
In the Northeast region of the planet, it is expected to experience heat waves, heavy downpours, and the steady rise of sea level. In the southeastern places, sea levels will continue to rise causing extreme heat and decrease supply of water. The Midwest of the globe will also experience extreme hotness and heavy rains. In the Southwest, it is expected that long drought periods will occur and insect outbreaks are likely to happen.