High Technology Security Measures In Japan
Japan will host the 2020 Olympic and Parlympic games. As early as now, the major makers of security systems in Japan are already developing state of the art security systems to ensure the safety of the people attending and participating in the games.
These Japanese innovators are applying their rich knowledge in information technology in order to create secure and anti crime tools and devices. The demand for these security measures has drastically increased through the years as the terrorist incidents have continued to threaten the general public.
The innovations
One of the electric appliance giants, Panasonic Corporation, has revealed its recent development of an enhanced entrance gate in the village where the athletes will be housed. The said gate will be equipped with high end security sensors and systems that will detect any suspicious activities within and outside the village.
The secured gate only opens after the party about to enter the village authenticates their identities. This is done by holding their identification cards over a reader. The data received by the machine will then be processed and matched to the database of expected village dwellers and guests. This way, unauthorized entry to the village will be avoided. Even if someone will steal an athlete’s identification card, the system and guard on duty will be able to detect the fraudulent act.
Another major corporate giant, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, recently developed a high end security surveillance camera. The camera is created in a way that it can immediately send recorded video footage to computers, laptops, tablets and other handy devices in distant places. This camera can be carried from one location to another and is equipped with a set of batteries and transmitter.
Terroristic acts
Several acts of terrorism have rocked the free world for the last couple of months. A magazine office in Paris was attacked in January resulting in a three day blood bath. Series of shootings were reported in Denmark this February. Because of the constant threat for safety, the makers of electric appliances in Japan developed several security precautions which are now used at airport terminals in order to prevent extremists and terrorists from setting foot on Japan.