Monthly Archive for August, 2009

Status Updates for 2009-08-26

  • I stopped wearing my piercings, and now it weirds me out when people look at me, because I don't have an easy explanation anymore. #

Status Updates for 2009-08-25

  • "Be cautious if you plan to Bing Jessica Biel. A new report says you might get a virus." #

Status Updates for 2009-08-23

  • What (Games) Do Japanese Gay Bar Owners Like Playing? #

Status Updates for 2009-08-19

  • Tried to watch Breakfast At Tiffany's on return from Tokyo, but couldn't get past Mickey Rooney's racist performance. #

Status Updates for 2009-08-15

  • "Joy and Pain" video, the literal edition. Oh, the hilarity. #

Status Updates for 2009-08-13

  • Holy shit! I am so excited to see Skream at the Highdive in Champaign on Thursday, September 17th! #

Status Updates for 2009-08-11

  • Another encounter with Lady Gaga in another ramen shop. But I'm actually rather fond of "LoveGame." Previously: #
  • On Mar. 17, 2009, I said, "Everyone says Facebook is trying to be Twitter, but really it is trying to be Friend Feed." Where's my prize? #
  • Getting Things Done Explained for Students #

Status Updates for 2009-08-10

  • Just had another strong but relatively brief earthquake here in Tokyo, Japan. This is getting worrisome. #

Status Updates for 2009-08-09

  • Just felt a pretty big earthquake in Tokyo, Japan. Seemed long. Started to get scared. #
  • I am admittedly in love with Tokyo. But I felt embarrassed for the gaijin I saw at Ageha with the kanji for "Tokyo" tattooed on his ankle. #

Status Updates for 2009-08-08

  • Wow. Never would have guess that this "Lose You" song was by Peaches. What a great song. And a super-hilarious video. #