Archive for the 'Journal' Category

Laptop Battle Tokyo Vol. 5

Laptop Battle Tokyo Vol. 5 at Super Deluxe was far more incredible than I was expecting it to be. There was a fairly wide range of interesting performances and music styles, such as Taishin Inoue and Back in Tokio. But more than anything, I got to hear some wonderful breakcore by JaQwa, so good that I would put it up there with Venetian Snares, the genius himself.

Unfortunately, JaQwa got beat out in his second round by the dance party antics of DJ Take. I felt pretty let down by this since DJ Take was just spinning other people’s music, like Chemical Brothers and Fat Boy Slim. It was a little interesting to see him sample himself beatboxing, then scratch it on his digital turntables, but this could have been executed much better, and the crowd was far more into it than they should have been.

Thankfully, DJ Take was beat out in the end by Plapla Pinky, with whose performance I was pleased. One of his pieces had a reggaeton feel to it and made my eyes watery (the second time of the night — the first by JaQwa), but I neglected to get a recording of it.

Tokyo Bicycle Race 2009-06-18

This my route from school in Takadanobaba to home in Sendagaya. The pictures were taken from a bottle top camera mount.

New Year’s Eve 2008 11:38 p.m. to 12:06 a.m.

My new year’s eve was pretty low-key, as you can see here.

Apropos of everything, I welcomed the new year by tinkering with new apps on my iPhone. I didn’t even realize when it was midnight, nor did my sleeping partner next to me.

Daily Journal Entry #11864 06/23/08 Mon


I told Kiril, “I think I’m a phenomenologist now. Actually, I think I’ve always been, but didn’t realize it. I found a ton of the same things I’ve thought and said in Husserl.”


I also told Kiril, “I don’t think I’m going to make videos anymore. Takes too much work, especially to make them not-boring.”


  • I was much more sad about learning that George Carlin died than I expected.


  • Slavoj Žižek on toilets and ideology. (Via Kiril.)

Daily Journal Entry #11863 06/22/08 Sun

More Digital Youth in East Asia

There was less on this day that caught my interest.

Roland Nozomu Kelts made an interesting point about the way in which certain technologies allow for you to feel things that you did not and wouldn’t have felt before. For example, after you get an answering machine you experience lament when you return home and discover that no one has called, but this is a new feeling that you didn’t experience before you got the answering machine. Unfortunately, Kelts appears to be a little anti-tech in an unnuanced way, ending with, “Let’s not be cut off by the machine,” and, in the question and answer session, exclaiming, “I think [Twitter] reduces you to like 90 characters. It’s so childish. It robs us of our ability to participate in the public sphere.” This was ironic since I had updated Twitter the day before to say that I was at the Digital Youth in East Asia conference.

Anne Allison had a great presentation on Takimoto’s Welcome to the N.H.K.. She questioned the relationship between the appearance of the keitai and our seemingly increasing isolation from each other.

Ken Kissoker wrapped up the conference by saying, “On Facebook you can list your relationship status as ‘It’s complicated.” And I think that’s the answer to these questions about digital youth — it’s complicated.” Brilliant. ( ^ _ ^ )


  • Seems a lot of people (who don’t have a direct interest in Japan) are sharing this Time article about “elder porn” in Japan.
  • Eat your heart out Merleau-Ponty — I’M IN LOVE WITH THIS CANE!

Daily Journal Entry #11862 06/21/08 Sat

Digital Youth in East Asia

Just a few things that caught my interest at the Digital Youth in East Asia conference.

Joo-Young Jung said that in Tokyo 88% use mobile internet and 26% have a computer, and Wan-Ying Lin said, “Time spent on the Internet has no direct/linear relationship with civic engagement.”

Sophia T. Wu started off her presentation by saying that her daughter goes to sleep with her mobile and has said that she would die without it. She also noted that young people use the camera phone transgressively (taking pictures of teachers) and to capture transgressive moments, argued that the “photo archive becomes experience archive,” and claimed that the cell phone allows these young people to “leave without escaping.”

In other words, they can surpass spatial boundaries while still staying within their confines, much like the Internet — though the same could possibly be said for older technologies, such as the book or the letter. Note: I’m thinking this now, not then. Though, one thought that I did have then was, “How is a cell phone different from a soccer ball,” in the sense that each allows for particular games to be played and various forms of play to emerge.

Cathy N. Davidson had a great point I hadn’t thought of or heard, though it seemed obvious afterwards, about how the play that people engage in on social network sites such as Facebook are actually a form of labor, because they generate revenue for the host site. As she said, DIY (do it yourself) quickly becomes DIFT (do it for them).

At the end I remarked that something seemed to be getting lost in discovering that this form of play was actually labor, because what seems crucial is that these individuals are experiencing this labor as non-alienated labor. David Slater said, “Alienated labor? I don’t even know how you would measure that.” But others defended my critique and said there was a need to consider what I would call the users’ experience of pleasure, though they might use different terms.

This was all followed up by some wonderful pecha kucha presentations, but the only one that I am going to mention is Minerva Terrades’s on technoaffectivity and users’ experiences with their cell phones.


  • I had to switch to being a day-timer for the conference.
  • As I also tweeted, “I lost my map of Tokyo and feel like a complete failure.”
  • At the geikaiwa dinner a friend talked about being ignored as a gaijin even though he speaks fluent Japanese.
  • I got my first twinge of power differential anxiety in Ni-chome when I met a gay guy who was a furita.

Daily Journal Entry #11861 06/20/08 Fri


This young male kept pacing around Advocates. It seemed as if he wanted to come to the bar, but was too scared to. Some friends told me he had been doing that for hours. After a while some gaijin went to go talk to him, and then they all left together. I thought I overheard one of them ask if there was a love hotel nearby.

A friend told me that people were encouraging each other to vote for Kanako Otsuji or her party on a Japanese website that gay men use to hook up. He was using this to show how gay men in Japan are politically involved, and I said that it is very different for someone to cast a vote in an election, because they don’t have to make themselves visible the same way you have to do if you are coming out or participating in a pride parade.

Daily Journal Entry #11860 06/19/08 Thu


Hung out with some people I’d met the week before. Started off at Advocate’s, tried GB but it was too empty, then ended up at Dragon.

This really drunk woman at Dragon kept on trying to get my attention. When I first got there she said, “I love you!”, and gave me a hug. Later she was arguing that we had the same nose. Much later she passed out on the street outside after she left.

The guys I was hanging out with at Dragon said I should try to do some voice-over work, so maybe that’s something I will look into at some point.

At one point the bartender at Dragon changed the subtitles on the television they had there showing the Simpsons from Japanese to English so that I could read it. It was a very odd experience. (But not so much later when I figured out that Dragon is a popular bar with gaijin.)


I read at Jonathan’s from about 2:30 a.m. until 7 a.m.


I tried to go over to some shops in Shinjuku, but most didn’t open until 10 a.m.!


Even Oozeki didn’t open until 11 a.m.! So, I ended up going to the “dollar” store (99 yen), which actually turned out to be better.

Daily Journal Entry #11859 06/18/08 Wed


  • Went to visit Josh at his new place in Nippori.


  • The final words of Pequena Hillary Clinton.
  • Great post about bosozoku bike gangs in Japan.
  • Great video of David Harvey (part 1 and part 2) talking about “The Right to the City.” Harvey says, “I think Lefebvre was right — the revolution has to be urban or it’s not going to be anything at all.”

Daily Journal Entry #11858 06/17/08 Tue


  • Saw a program on Japanese TV where someone would come up and other people would guess if they had plastic surgery.
  • I downloaded Firefox for download day and watched R. Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet (because I was journaling about 5/23 when I listened to a 5/9 NPR show that mentioned it).
  • I told Jeremiah, “This Mr. Oizo album is one of my favorite albums of all time.” (Analog Worms Attack, that is.)
  • Started using BrightKite and Ping.FM.
  • Shot a video about the place I am staying at.