Status Updates for Week Ending 2009-10-18

  • Lady Gaga Speaks At Gay Rights Rally In Washington, DC #
  • How in the world did it take me this long to figure out that I can do optical character recognition on Japanese with my copy of Adobe? Sigh. #
  • I think I have this. // Offline Stress Disorder (OSD): Anxiety when disconnected from the Internet. via @mike_elgan #
  • Love 2.0 // Avoid Messier Break-Ups by Locking Down Your Web Life #
  • Holy wowz. // RT @mike_elgan The Japanese version of Punk'd is waaaay crazier than the American one. #
  • Cyborgspace w/ iPhone: The Internet is no longer a destination, someplace you "go to." You don't "get on the Internet." You're always on it. #
  • What a beautiful idea — a list of personally rejected status updates. I usually just put them in my journal. // Rejects #
  • "HIV/AIDS continues steep increase in Japan" #
  • Where the Wild Things Are was amazing. #
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