There is a strong correlation between my level of productivity and my access to good new music. That said, I am in need of good new music.
Monthly Archive for June, 2008
El Fenix
I convinced Jacqui and Matt to try this place out for our last dinner together. The flan was just as good as I had remembered.
Jacqui and I found Matt’s method of filling his sopapilla with honey before eating it to be a bit strange, but Danny said he does this as well.
Last Minute
I packed my things together then went to the grocery store around 1 a.m. for a few last minute things, like shampoo and coffee. I got some detergent, but it was too big to fit into my suitcase.
I also got money for my trip while I was out, but wasn’t able to get all the money I wanted, because of my daily limit, which produced a generous amount of stress.
To the Airport
Danny and Kion drove me to the airport for my 5 a.m. flight, and I just hoped that I had everything I needed.
- I sent off my IRB revisions.
- Jacqui was watching Top Chef and I wanted to know the story behind Padma Lakshmi’s scar. The answer had a strange parallel to Palahniuk’s Rant, where the characters achieve limit-experiences by participating in urban crash derbies: “When she was 14 years old, she was involved in a serious automobile accident, causing an injury of her right arm, which required surgery leaving a 7 inch scar, between her elbow and shoulder. … Padma describes the event in the Vogue-April 2001 edition as ‘Flying in a car felt like an exhilarating hallucination, an unbelievable ride that oddly remains one of the most beautiful images in my memory.’”
- I am inspired to see that there is an effort to make a space for anthropological books that address a more popular audience, but it is also disheartening to see what I am up against. Though, I wonder how they would receive my idea of writing the book in two volumes, the first volume focused on story and the second focused on theory. I think this would be better than dumping academic theoretical considerations into footnotes or endnotes.
Worked on IRB
I spent a few hours lying on the couch trying to figure out this one line. I was just trying to explain, in simple, lay terms, why I wanted to take pictures of my participants using their computer. I decided that the best language was that I was trying to capture what it is “actually like” for them to use their computer.
Into the Wild
SPOILER ALERT. I wasn’t expecting the sad ending to this movie. I also found it unfortunate that people could use the manner of his demise to critique the life decisions he made, which I can empathize with, except for the nature part.
It really is a strange conglomeration of messages. He goes off to be alone, discovers he needs others, then dies alone. I don’t think the film maker’s intended it this way, but it does seem as if that was his “punishment.”
- These flat pack houses excite me so very much.
- These punk houses excite me too. I wonder why that is.
- I personally find writing your to-do lists on your hands to be somewhat gauche, but I suppose I should give it the proper respect it deserves as yet another lifehacker/GTD path.
The Return
I took some pictures of the safari-themed lake house before we got on the road to come home. We stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner after dropping Stephanie off. I worked on IRB revisions, but was tired and didn’t get far.
It’s 9 a.m. in Tokyo. Been home from Torture Garden for a while. Couldn’t have done it without being nocturnal. Strange how events unfold.
It’s 6 a.m. here in Tokyo. Just got home from Shinjuku Ni-chome. First day back on nocturnal. Advocate’s 8th anniversary was eventful.
I went to a maid cafe for the first time, @home cafe in Akihabara. More than anything I felt infantilized.
The Water, Part II
I was familiar enough with being on the boat that I felt it safe to take my camera. This time, though, we towed people around on a tube.
My fear of drowning kept me on the boat.
What the Font?!
On the way to the lake house I asked Stephanie if she was into fonts and talked to her about the documentary Helvetica. I told her that I had recently gotten into Futura (I love those points!), which she wasn’t familiar with, and she said that she is into Century Gothic, which I was not familiar with.
Well, when I pulled up Futura to show her what it looked like, then looked at Century Gothic, I found that they were remarkably similar! It turns out that Century Gothic was based on Twentieth Century, which was in turn based on Futura. It was an eery coincidence.
After that Jacqui and I went through all of the fonts on my computer, bursting into laughter now and then at the fonts that were beyond ridiculous, like Comic Sans. We both enjoyed Desdemona though.
- A lot more Pokemon Diamond and some The Power and the Glory.
I made a video about the place I am staying at in Tokyo.
At Digital Youth in East Asia and will be a day-timer for a while. I lost my map of Tokyo and feel like a complete failure.