The Water, Part II
I was familiar enough with being on the boat that I felt it safe to take my camera. This time, though, we towed people around on a tube.
My fear of drowning kept me on the boat.
What the Font?!
On the way to the lake house I asked Stephanie if she was into fonts and talked to her about the documentary Helvetica. I told her that I had recently gotten into Futura (I love those points!), which she wasn’t familiar with, and she said that she is into Century Gothic, which I was not familiar with.
Well, when I pulled up Futura to show her what it looked like, then looked at Century Gothic, I found that they were remarkably similar! It turns out that Century Gothic was based on Twentieth Century, which was in turn based on Futura. It was an eery coincidence.
After that Jacqui and I went through all of the fonts on my computer, bursting into laughter now and then at the fonts that were beyond ridiculous, like Comic Sans. We both enjoyed Desdemona though.
- A lot more Pokemon Diamond and some The Power and the Glory.