Daily Journal Entry #11821 05/11/08 Sun

After the Internet, What is a Magazine?

The May 2008 Harper’s had a wonderful picture of an abandoned book depository in Detroit. It listed the web site and there are many more beautiful pictures of the book depository. The website also has a blog post addressing responses that people have had to the photos.

It’s so great how Harper’s, the other photos, and his commentary all fit together, made possible by the Internet. How does that change what we mean by “magazine,” when it has such an overlapping intertextual relationship with the Internet?


  • Woke up around 3 a.m. when there was loud thunder.
  • Worked on my last assignment — a proposal for East Asian youth.


  • This NPR story about global warming has some WONDERFUL street reporting. You should listen just to hear the global warming “rap” that some kids made up on the spot.
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