Tag Archive for 'politics'

Daily Journal Entry #11861 06/20/08 Fri


This young male kept pacing around Advocates. It seemed as if he wanted to come to the bar, but was too scared to. Some friends told me he had been doing that for hours. After a while some gaijin went to go talk to him, and then they all left together. I thought I overheard one of them ask if there was a love hotel nearby.

A friend told me that people were encouraging each other to vote for Kanako Otsuji or her party on a Japanese website that gay men use to hook up. He was using this to show how gay men in Japan are politically involved, and I said that it is very different for someone to cast a vote in an election, because they don’t have to make themselves visible the same way you have to do if you are coming out or participating in a pride parade.