The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner started off good but then it just seemed to get a little too hokey “Taliban are bad m’kay”-ish. The main actor was a bit weak too and there were a lot of parts that seemed unbelievable, like the marriage of the main character to this woman he barely knew and who barely knew him.

I really liked the Hassan character though as well as the actor that played him. I also really enjoyed seeing the children play with their kites, but I didn’t like how it got stretched into a theme and metaphor for the entire film: “The Taliban won’t even let us fly our kites anymore!”

1 Response to “The Kite Runner”

  1. 1 Michelle

    I would add that not only did it get hokey, and not only was the acting questionable, but the odyssey of the main character was a bit unbelievable as a life experience. I do think that the situation in Afghanistan is even more dire than the film portrayed, but the series of unfortunate events happening to our protagonist was all handled a bit absurdly. I kept thinking instead about a painfully unsentimental and much more haunting film, Kandahar .

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